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Platinum is the premium offer available from Tony Klinger Coaching.

Platinum includes:

- Access to all of 32 of Tony’s scheduled Coaching sessions including ‘Filmmaking’, ‘Writing’, ‘Producing’, and ‘For all Filmmakers’

plus any new courses added during the course of their membership including our ultra-exclusive “Virtual Retreats”.


- Platinum also includes everything in the Gold subscription listed below with the option to renew their annual subscription as a Platinum member close to their annual renewal date for 2022 at a discount of 25%.

Gold includes your subscription to all our playlists including:

 - The exclusive miscellaneous playlist

- Live hour-long Q & A session on the 1st Wednesday of every month @ 5pm UK time hosted on Zoom (recipients will send in their questions pre-emptively to ensure they will be answered).


-  Access to the recordings of these Q & A sessions the same night they are held.


-  Access to 2 entire group series of course sessions from one of those on offer from the Group sessions service (Including ‘Filmmaking’, ‘Writing’, ‘Producing’, and ‘For all Filmmakers’)


or as a monthly

 subscription of

As a one-time payment for this “TOTAL ACCESS ALL AREAS”

£70 per month

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