Tony Klinger
We at Give-Get=Go were filming yesterday at Duxford for Solo2Darwin with heroine pilot Amanda Harrison and Paul Martin my fellow film maker.
We launch Amanda on her epic trip from the UK to Australia next month.
In the last photo we discover Mike Wigg, the other half of the dynamic duo who has plotted, planned and helped Amanda make this journey possible.
Amanda recently recovered from breast cancer and a double mastectomy determined to live her dream on behalf of all women who were told they can't do so and all cancer sufferers.
Amanda lives to fly and you can soar with her.
We are looking for volunteers to help film in all the countries along the route and for a host of other positions. If you're interested and can help or just want to support this project please feel free to also contact me here or via for further details.
We want you all to take this trip Solo2Darwin with us.